Philosophy of Ministry


Welcome to Scholastic Motivation Ministries

Praise God from whom all blessings flow,

On behalf of the entire Scholastic Motivation Leadership Team, we salute our Presiding Prelate of the New Mexico Jurisdiction Bishop James L'Keith Jones and we want to welcome you to the new SMM web page. We are indeed excited about the opportunity to promote, facilitate and enhance the Educational, Social, Financial and Creative gifts of today’s youth.
While viewing the web page, you will learn about our competition and Non-competition Ministries, as well as the outstanding leaders who serve as  Coordinators. Likewise, you will also learn about the exciting and dynamic SMM teams and participants, which will be featured here.

Scholastic Motivation Ministries provides a wonderful platform to recognize & reward youth for their academic and personal achievements. Our mission is to develop today's youth to be tomorrow’s leaders. We encourage you to GET MOTIVATED WITH SMM!!!

In closing, we salute Presiding Bishop Charles E. Blake for his embrace and support of Scholastic Motivation Ministries. He is a world class leader with a vision for the educational and economic advancement of today's youth.

If you require additional information regarding SMM, please contact us directly @